What is social activity
It is a set of forms of human activity that are oriented towards solving the tasks set before society. And...
Discover Strategies to Enhance Your Writing for the Public Sector!
Are you able to adjust your writing style for various audiences? For instance, imagine having to write a report in...
Discover the Keys to Developing a Successful Community Strategy
Nowadays, forming a vibrant and cohesive community around your business is one of the most successful ways to meet customer...
Strategy and activities of public organizations
The variety of strategies and activities of American civic organizations is amazing. Organizations provide services Many public organizations in America...
Public organizations are formed according to the district principle
One of the most important components of a stable and prosperous state of society is calm on the streets, in...
Public human rights organizations
Public organizations are also being formed to preserve what they consider to be the constitutional rights of Americans. For example,...
Organizations that stand up for the interests of their members and the public to the authorities
Another common activity for civic organizations is to defend the interests of the people of their constituencies in institutions, legislatures,...