Everything you need you need human rights
Human rights are standard opportunities that all people should have, regardless of gender, race, ethnicity, religion, language, etc. Everyone should understand that they have the right to life, freedom from slavery and torture, and the ability to express their beliefs. Everyone has the right to education, to work and more. And no one should be discriminated against in any way.

International Law
The first document to proclaim forward thinking at the international level was the Charter of the United Nations, signed in San Francisco in the summer of 1945. On October 24 of that year the document entered into force, a date celebrated annually as UN Day.
The UN Charter is considered an instrument of international law, with signatory states bound to act in accordance with the principles of interstate cooperation enshrined therein:
- The equality of all members of the UN.
- Settlement of international disputes by peaceful means only.
- Renunciation in interstate relations of the threat of force.
- Non-interference in the internal affairs of a sovereign state, etc.
The Charter is not a rigid document, it was amended in 1963, 1965 and 1973.
The International Court of Justice acts to resolve disputes arising between states in accordance with the UN Charter.
Only States may be parties to cases before the Court.
The judicial body consists of 15 independent judges with impeccable reputation and qualification, not more than one representative per State.
The seat of the Court is traditionally considered to be The Hague, but if necessary judicial hearings can also take place in other places.
The Universal Declaration of Human Rights
The Universal Declaration of Human Rights (UDHR) was proclaimed in Paris on December 10, 1948, to protect the individual interests of citizens. The document was initiated by the UN General Assembly, and representatives of most cultural traditions from all regions of the world took part in its drafting. The Declaration became a legal standard to which all peoples should aspire, and over the years it has been translated into over 500 languages.
The UDHR outlines the fundamental rights and freedoms of citizens, and has been recognized as one of the most significant documents in the history of mankind. Already in its preamble, it states that the dignity and equality of human beings is the foundation of justice and freedom. Tyranny and oppression can lead to rebellion, and to prevent this from happening, citizens must be protected by the rule of law. And relations between nations must develop in a friendly way, etc.
The 30 articles of the UDHR list basic rights and freedoms, the observance of which should lead to the improvement of people’s lives and social progress. Here are some of them.
- All human beings are born free and equal.
- This does not depend on race, color, nationality, religion, sex, property status, political opinion, or other differences.
- Every human being has the right to life, freedom, and should not be enslaved.
- Torture, humiliation, punishment, and discrimination are unacceptable.
- All are equal before the law and can expect a defense, a fair public trial and a hearing, no one may be detained without cause.
- The accused is presumed innocent until proven guilty in a court of law, he cannot receive a harsher punishment than that in effect at the time of the crime.
- No one may invade privacy, home, correspondence, honor and reputation.
- Everyone may move freely in his own country, leave it and return to it, and take refuge in another country, as long as his actions are not contrary to the UN Charter.
- No one can be arbitrarily deprived of his citizenship.
- The institution of marriage is protected by the state, and men and women have equal rights.
- No one may be deprived of his property without cause.
- Everyone may freely choose his or her religion, political beliefs, and participate in social organizations.
- Every person may participate in government by himself or through elected representatives, who shall be elected by fair and open voting.
- Every member of society has the right to work and to fair pay for it, as well as full recreation (e.g. to play in Dutch online casinos without registration https://onlinecasinopoint.nl/).
- Everyone is guaranteed social security, decent medical care, education, etc.
All rights and freedoms are exercised in accordance with the principles of the UN.

What does the Human Rights Act do
Some countries have special laws devoted to human rights. Such a law came into effect in 2000 in the UK, it consists of a series of Articles, each explaining a different “right.”
The UK has decided that the state must guarantee the interests of its citizens through its own legislation. The Human Rights Act makes it possible to obtain justice in a British court without going to the ECtHR.
All government agencies are obliged to respect and protect human rights.
Every article of the Act is borrowed from the European Convention on Human Rights and mentions the basic natural, political, civil and other freedoms on which a democratic society relies. And judges try to pass sentences in accordance with the Convention.